Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Crazy in Love

20 Surefire Relationship Wreckers

If you've seen the movie How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days, then you've seen Kate Hudson do pretty much everything she can to squelch Matthew McConaughey's interest in her in record time. (Crazy, we know, but that's Hollywood for you.) While this chick flick parodies some pretty scary female behavior, we've got to admit that many of us are probably guilty of freaking a guy out in much the same way ‑- without even meaning to. All of this begs the question: Why is it that we find it tough to lose a guy who we're dying to get rid of, but it's so easy to lose a guy who we'll do anything to hang on to?

According to E. Jean Carroll, author of Mr. Right, Right Now, do these 20 things and you are sure to lose a man. Just think of this as a little behavioral wake-up call (it's okay, you can thank us later):

1. Always end arguments by turning some deeply private secret he's confided to you... against him. Then add, "Screw you, you slobbering half-wit!"

2. Beg him to read your journal.

3. You know you shouldn't call him too much, so say to yourself, "I'm an adult. He's an adult. I refuse to play stupid games."

4. Call him repeatedly.

5. If he doesn't call back, email him. If he doesn't return your email, fax him a funny little joke. If he still doesn't call, drop by his office and surprise him with a "cute" card. If he's not at his office, drive to his house, wait for him at his front door and, when he arrives, tell him he can do anything he wants with you.

6. Ask him once a week, "So, where do we stand?"

7. Or, if you prefer a more dramatic scrotum-tightener, ask, "So where do we stand as a couple?"

8. Rarely wear high heels to bed.

9. Be the first woman in recorded history to actually tell a man exactly how many chaps she's slept with.

10. Fixate on the future. Focus on his taking you to the Bahamas for Valentine's Day.

11. Always cry after sex.

12. Criticize his mother.

13. Do you own a pair of baggy maroon sweatpants? Wear them.

14. Is he feeling a tad overwhelmed by the serious turn your affair is taking? Surprise him with loads of expensive gifts for no reason.

15. Nag. Nag. Nag. Nag. Nag.

16. Giggle at his receding hairline.

17. Tell him oral sex makes you gag. Except when he does it.

18. Don't let him miss you (i.e., spend every blessed moment with/near/on/under/over him ‑- particularly those blessed moments when you feel bloated and paranoid).

19. Never have your wallet with you.

20. Let him know that every day is Judgment Day as far as you and he are concerned and that you'd rather be right than happy.

Friday, April 01, 2011

"Successful Marriage"

1. About This New world

For some marriage can be the most wonderful thing that happened to them. There are people who even say that it’s like a fairy tale come true, coupled with the ever famous “And they lived happily ever after” line. However, what most people do not understand is that getting married means changes. “A lot” of changes!

Yes, finding the man or woman of your dreams is definitely a big milestone in your life. However, things will be much different from how everything was when you were still in the dating stage.

You should keep in mind that you’re not just sweethearts anymore; and that getting married is something that will greatly affect your life one way or another. You’ve got to be prepared for some lifestyle changes!

With that being said, here are some of the most common lifestyle changes that marriage brings about.

Buy One Take One

First and foremost, you should remember that you’re not single anymore! There are two of you, anytime, all the time. Just think of marriage as super glue, which binds you to your partner. There are now two of you to consider every time either of you have a decision on whatever aspect of each of your individual lives.

In regard to “whatever aspect,” this means every tiny bit of detail. Once you get married, keep in mind that all your decisions and actions also affect your spouse. It’s a mutually inclusive situation.

No More Flirting
This is just common sense. If you want to maintain a healthy relationship with your partner loyalty is something you practice at all times under any circumstance.

Two Peas in a Pod

Aside from the sexual aspect which we discuss later, for people who have slept alone in bed since childhood, marriage brings a different dynamic to your life. Suddenly, you have someone sharing your bed every day. You should start getting used to the fact that you’ll be seeing someone else sleeping on the other side of the bed with you every time you wake up. So, if you’re not used to this kind of set-up, then it would probably be best if you buy a bigger bed. This would lessen your feeling of being cramped when you sleep.

Your New Roommate

Other than sharing the bed, you also have to share rooms. When you get married, there’s a small chance that you’d get to have your room decorated with all the Barbie pink (for girls) or checker race car flags (for boys) that you want. Although it is your room, you’d definitely have to consider your partner’s taste. In fact, this doesn’t only apply to your room, but throughout your home.

Know Your Priorities

Getting married also means you should be able to establish your priorities. In married life, there are such things that you call “family affairs”. Thus, you have to make sure that you spend quality time with your family. These family occasions are very important too, just like your next business meeting. Be sure that you are able to make some time for family, no matter how small or large the event.

"Overcoming Addictions"

Introduction To Addictive Disorders

In this guide, the Addictive Disorders discussed refer to health matters dealing with both physical and psychological intense desires or cravings for substances or behaviors that grow into dependency. For example, not only will alcohol and drug dependency be addressed, but addictions dealing with issues like emotional, “things” or “people” attachments. The general concept is that these cravings or yearnings are ongoing in spite of the fact that they cause the addicted person, and at times others, harm at various levels; social, psychological and physical. And on the whole, the addictive disorders that are discussed are considered progressive or advancing in nature, and chronic or lasting for a long period of time, with distinct periods of recurrence.

There are some alarming facts to consider regarding addictive disorders. For instance, a recent report in the National Drug Addiction Recovery Month Kit showed the cost of alcohol and illicit drug use in the workplace, including lost productivity, accidents and medical claims to be an estimated $140 billion per year.

Another fact: every eight seconds, a person dies due to a tobacco-related illness, according to the World Health Organization.

Also, an estimated 28 percent to 30 percent of people in the U.S.A. alone have an addictive substance abuse disorder, a mental health disorder or both, according to a 2002 report by the National Mental Health Association.

And alcohol abuse and dependence occurs four times as much among men over the age of 65 than women in the same age group, according to the Surgeon General's Report on Mental Health, 1999.

With Addictive Disorders being such a large important part of everyday life, this ebook strives to help clear up myths from facts and present an overview of the issues surrounding the disorders. It includes information about some of the top addictions in society today, along with a variety of solutions available to help with treatment and coping, based upon the most recent studies, research, reports, articles, findings, products and services available, so that you can learn more about Overcoming Addictions.

For example, consider the following and decide if it is myth or truth: addicts cannot be medically treated. This is a myth. Some substance addicts can be medically treated via a detoxifying program, followed up by treatment with new medicines like Bupropion (Zyban) and Naltrexone (ReVia). These medicines help people who are refraining from addictive substances to keep their desires for them in check.

Note that the contents here are not presented from a medical practitioner, and that any and all health care planning should be made under the guidance of your own medical and health practitioners. The content within only presents an overview of Overcoming Addictions research for educational purposes and does not replace medical advice from a professional physician.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

"The Worlds Healthiest Foods"


Many take vegetables for granted without really taking into consideration what good it can do to our body. Aside from the fact that some of them look and taste unusual, we practically ignore most of them on sight.

In truth, many health experts believe that vegetables are a great day-to-day added sustenance to the human body. Different kinds of vegetables offer their own blend of nutrients that can provide us the energy we need for our daily routine, keep our body in top shape and a higher resistance from diseases as it boosts our immune system.

Health Benefits

The human body requires a balance of nutrients to keep it going at a normal pace – and vegetables can do just that. Here are some of the vegetables you can practically see around the common market and what it can do for you.

1. Cauliflower. This tasty vegetable is quite common in most Chinese cuisines, and is served because of its high nutritional value not to mention the added flavor it gives to the recipe. For starters, cauliflower contains minerals such as potassium, phosphorus, calcium and sodium; as well as vitamins A, C and B6. It is known to fight cancer and regulate the hormones to a normal level and a health food for those who suffer from high sugar content or diabetes.

2. Squash. Whether the winter or summer variety, the squash is well known around the world for being rich in Vitamin A; which is very good for your eyesight – though the summer variety contains more of it than its winter counterpart. Turning this into a soup would be quite delectable.

3. Carrots. The carrot is well known for containing Beta Carotene, another variation of Vitamin A known to fight and limit the growth of cancer cells in our bodies. This tasty food is quite delicious served raw with a tasty dip, boiled, juiced, or even grated in a veggie salad.

4. Green Pepper. Often served on our choices of pizza for garnishing, we usually set it aside due to its bittersweet taste. This vegetable is rich in Vitamin C and is a great antioxidant that protects our cells from free by-products that can affect our body’s metabolism.

5. Mushroom. Practically the only vegetable that can give you the much-needed Vitamin D. Mushroom helps our body absorb more calcium and magnesium for healthy teeth and stronger bones. Usually we get Vitamin D from sunlight, but if you don’t want to get sunburned by staying outside too long, try eating mushrooms instead.
6. Spinach. Popeye, a cartoon sailor is often seen munching on a can of this before clobbering the bad guys; spinach is rich in Vitamin K, same as with other dark-leafy vegetables. Vitamin K plays an integral role in blood clotting, as well as regulating the blood calcium levels to keep your bones at peak condition.

7. Lima Beans. These are a good source of Vitamin B9 or commonly known as folic acid. Folic acid is usually synthesized with diet supplements, and is required by your body to produce red blood cells, as well as improving your nervous system. This is very advisable among pregnant women due to its capabilities of increasing cell growth production and improves the development of the embryo. Best paired with vegetables like cauliflower or broccoli; best sautéed.


Since vegetables are 100% natural, complete with vitamins and minerals for a healthy diet, they should be eaten fresh if you don’t want to lose all those precious nutrients. Fresh from the market, you should take some care in washing them clean in running water – not too much or you might get them soggy in the process.

Some vegetables can be eaten raw like carrots or asparagus, and would taste even better with a dip. Some require you to boil or even sauté with other veggies with some spices to bring out the flavor. Here is one recipe that should set your taste buds drooling:

Creamy Squash Soup
2 tbsp butter
2 tbsp sliced leeks
3 cups cubed squash
2 medium size potatoes, cubed
3 cups of chicken broth
1 cups water
1 250ml. NESTLÉ All Purpose Cream (or any cream that will suit your taste)
salt and pepper to taste

1. Melt butter and sauté leeks until they are nice and limp. Add the squash and potatoes and cook for around 2 minutes to let the flavor seep in
2. Pour the chicken broth and the water and bring to boil until the vegetables are tender. Then remove from heat then let it cool.
3. When cool enough to handle, transfer it over to the blender and puree until the consistency is smooth
4. Strain the mixture to remove any lumps, and simmer again in a soup pan. Add the cream and cook for a minute or two.